The client
Centre for Wildlife Studies (CWS) is a non-profit trust based in Bengaluru working for wildlife conservation. They needed a progressive web application for an ongoing project.
How did we help?
We created a powerful app that comes with a permission module. The app tracks details of the beneficiary, location, event, cases, and surveys, saves this data offline and syncs it.

We match the user journey accurately with a structural level design that we call wireframing. This is where we lay out content and functionality before filling in the visual design and page content.

Technology used
It is an open-source server environment that is compatible with various platforms. It helps to build scalable and data-intensive applications.
Is an easy to use document storage database. It stores documents with unique names and provides a RESTful API that helps in updating and reading documents.
It is a global cloud database. It can support huge volumes of data and traffic. It is used to build internet and business applications.
Is a flexible and efficient Javascript library that is used for building reusable UI components. It ensures stable coding across the product.
It is a javascript database that keeps user’s data offline and in synchronization no matter when and where they log in the next time.
Color Scheme