The client
Battlestation Central is the place to be for gamers across the world. It organizes events and tournaments for all the games from EA Sports, giving all gamers an opportunity to compete and team up with like-minded gamers all around.
How did we help?
We are responsible for the design and development of Battle Station Central, an Android and IOS application for gamers to come together. Easy registration and efficient listing of all games, events and announcements make the app very easy to navigate.

Our designers take prototyping very seriously, turning ideas into tangible digital forms to capture design concepts. Refining and validating designs become easy so that mistakes can be rectified and the product can be perfected.

Technology used
It is an open-source server environment that is compatible with various platforms. It helps to build scalable, data-intensive applications.
It is a global cloud database. It can support huge volumes of data and traffic and is used to build internet and business applications.
React Native
It is an open-source UI software framework used to develop applications more easily by letting developers use the React framework along with native platform capabilities.
It is a flexible and efficient Javascript library that is used for building reusable UI components. It ensures stable coding across the product.
Color Scheme